Roger de Greef

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Roger De Greef.

Autodidact artist-painter, born in Belgium (1942)

Begin to paint in 1974. Technique: oil with knife, on canvas on cardcanvas, and on special paper.

Referenced in the Belgian Artist dictionary "ARTO", in the Belgian Artists of the XIXe & XXe centurys "PIRON" and mentioned in "Two centurys of artists signatures of Belgium".

Silver medal of  "Prix de France"
Silver medal of the International Academy of centemporary arts of Belgium.
International bronze medal of the "Academie Wallonne des arts de Belgique".
Selectionned and qualified by "Rouge-Cloître" in Brussels,for different  European competitions, organised in France.

Many exhibitions and works in:
Germany, Belgium, Scottland, Spain, France, Luxemburg, England, Japan and United States.

Heritage works in:
Bastogne, Eupen, Rochefort, Schaerbeek, Cera Bank in Brussel, C.H.U. "Saint-Pierre" in Brussels, private Club "Munster" in Luxemburg, Cultural Center in Bièvre, Cycling Museum of Blegny, Museum of "Tour de France" in Oeudeghien, Museum "Centrum Ronde van Vlaanderen" in Oudenaarde & "Quartier d'Art" in Vresse-sur-Semois.

In november 2006, I made an unusual exhibition.
I have painted 130 portraits of the inhabitants of my adopted village, Monceau-en-Ardenne in Belgium.
Always the same technique: oil with knife.
This exhibition was related in the daily press:
Bièvre: "He paint the portrait of de whole village"
Bièvre: "He paint de portrait of every inhabitant of the village"
Bièvre: "He paint the portrait of the whole village"
The painting as social cement.
Bièvre. Monceau-en-Ardenne:  "Face to Face" with the inhabitants.
Bièvre. Exhibition of 130 portraits. The "Brusseleir" crunch the "Ardennais".
Bièvre. 130 portraits of the villagers by Roger De Greef. The "Brusseleir" crunched the "Ardennais".
The Retro 2006: 52 pictures for 52 weeks - Monceau-en-Ardenne. He paint all the inhabitants of his village.
Three television chanels made a reportage.
Two of them broadcasted it in the TV NEWS.
The third chanel did a reportage in a daily national programme, named "Au quotidien"

Roger De Greef.


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