Hi! I’m John S Jacobs Anderson. I am a conference speaker, Open Source software developer, and community organizer living in Salem, Oregon, USA.

I’m usually known online as genehack, and in person will freely answer to “John”, “Genehack”, ”Gene”, or ”Hey you, beardo”. My pronouns are “he/him”.

The main purpose of this page is to provide a single semi-comprehensive listing of the various places I am online, and to assert (indieweb-style) that these disparete identities are all, in fact, me.

This site also provides a convenient place to host my résumé. (Prefer to have it in PDF? Here you go .)

If you're interested in the site design, there is a colophon with some information about it.

the mighty genehack web empire

You can read more of my writing at or on the Fediverse. (I was formerly quite active on Twitter, but my participation there these days is basically zero.)

As of late March 2020, I’ve started a new journal site,, to record my family’s life during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Starting in May 2020, I’m maintaining a now page, hopefully on a mostly-monthly basis. I've also started a uses page, if you've ever been curious about what tools I use.

As of January 2022, I’ve started a recipe site to track dishes I’ve cooked.

Your best bet on keeping up with me is subscribing to my blog’s RSS feed and following me on Twitter, Mastodon, or both.

The Daily Dose is a small list of sites I read that don’t provide an RSS feed. The Dose is regenerated daily and the contents change based on the expected update frequencies of the linked sites.

Finally, here’s an alphabetical listing of some other places I can be found online (some of them, quite infrequently...)